Alguns utilizadores têm relatado este problema que está descrito neste artigo da Microsoft.
No entanto e com a falta de soluções por parte da Microsoft surgiu um utilizador auto intitulado Coyote_HU com uma solução não convencional mas com resultados provados.
1. Download and install the AutoHotkey freeware from
2. Start the Notepad, and copy this text to Notepad:
IfWinExist, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
Sleep, 10000
IfWinNotActive, Enter Network Password, , WinActivate, Enter Network Password,
WinWaitActive, Enter Network Password,
Gosub, SendPasword
WinWait, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
IfWinNotActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook, , WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinWaitActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
Send, {F9}
ControlGetText, UserName, RichEdit20A1
If UserName = Type_username1_here
Send, Type_password1_here{ENTER}
sleep, 1000
3. Replace the Type_username1_here and Type_password1_here text with your really user name and password. If you have two password, you need modify the script:
IfWinExist, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
Sleep, 10000
IfWinNotActive, Enter Network Password, , WinActivate, Enter Network Password,
WinWaitActive, Enter Network Password,
Gosub, SendPasword
IfWinNotActive, Enter Network Password, , WinActivate, Enter Network Password,
WinWaitActive, Enter Network Password,
Gosub, SendPasword
WinWait, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
IfWinNotActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook, , WinActivate, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
WinWaitActive, Inbox - Microsoft Outlook,
Send, {F9}
ControlGetText, UserName, RichEdit20A1
If UserName = Type_username1_here
Send, Type_password1_here{ENTER}
If UserName = Type_username2_here
Send, Type_password2_here[/i][/b]{ENTER}
sleep, 1000
4. Save the text as OutlookStart.ahk to your desktop.
5. Start the installed Ahk2Exe.exe program.
6. Fill out the “Source (script file)” field, browse for OutlookStart.ahk on desktop.
7. Fill out the “Destenation (.exe file)” field, browse where you want to create the program, and type name (OutlookStart.exe), which will be starting the Outlook XP, and automatically enter your password.
8. Press the “>Convert<” button.
9. Forget the original Outlook icon, start the created OutlookStart.exe, and enjoy!
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